Adobe Creative Cloud Ident
To celebrate the latest release of their Creative Cloud, Adobe wanted to do something special. So we took their logo and a couple dozen crackerjack artists and spun some interdisciplinary, animated magic.
Get that Mograph Mojo working.
Using the silhouette of the Creative Cloud logo, we designed and animated seven discipline-specific pieces of art inspired by the following themes: growth, community, collaboration, reinvention.
To capture that spirit of collaboration that is the raison d’etre of the Creative Cloud, we opened this brief up to the entire BUCK collective to riff on, and we did not limit them in style or medium.

(Joe Strummer voice) What have we got?
We got dozens of designs everyday from the team. The diversity of concepts and ideas on the table in phase one was an embarrassment of riches. There were no wrong ways forward. Just interesting paths to explore. Through progressive iteration, we developed our different approaches until we began narrowing the scope of candidates down to a truly magnificent seven.

True Colors
The direction we received that each design should align with a corresponding brand color (and could be feasibly produced with a corresponding Adobe tool) turned out to be a great creative spark.
Photo Compositing
Photoshop & Lightroom
Print & Publishing
Motion Graphics
Premier & After Effects
Adobe XD
3D & AR
Substance Designer & Aero

Hitting the curve ball
Originally, we were creating six expressions of the CC logo. But when the opportunity presented itself to use footage of Billie Eilish for a seventh design, we jumped at the chance. Billie was partnering with Adobe on the Creative Cloud for Teachers and Students campaign so, with her blessing, we folded her and her flames into the Premier category.
Evolving Design
In practice, this concept grew into an animated exquisite corpse. An evolving design that is handed off from one discipline and color to the next. We developed an animation guide that we lovingly dubbed “The Nexus” to help the audience follow along. The Nexus has a kinetic rhythm, lending a persistence of vision that allows the audience to track the animation through its rapid-fire evolution.
Executive Creative Director
Orion Tait
Executive Producer
Billy Mack
Creative Director
Jon Gorman
Russell Greene
Tracey McDonough
Art Director
Melissa Miyamoto-Mills
Animation Lead
Gilles Desmadrille
Guillermo Zapiola
Haeri Cho
Hannah Sun
Kuu Chen
Liron Eldar-Ashkenazi
Mark Kulakoff
Max Vogel
Melissa Miyamoto-Mills
Nikko Gary
Patrick Sluiter
Philip Sierzega
Remi Sorbet
Thea Glad
Will Burkart
Yker Moreno
Yukyung Lee
Zack Williams
Fabian Rousseau
Gilles Desmadrille
Hannah Sun
Melissa Miyamoto-Mills
Zack Williams
Chris Ribar
Shane O'Hara