Adobe Anthem
A love letter to the creative suite we’ve spent the majority of our adult lives using with almost religious adherence. Adobe is near and dear to the hearts of artists and designers everywhere. So when Adobe asked if we wanted to make a celebratory video for their Adobe MAX 2019 conference we immediately said, “Can you fix the magnetic lasso tool?” jk -- we said “YES!”
Working in partnership with Goodby Silverstein & Partners, we curated artwork from the famous and the unknown, from artists around the globe and from all corners of the internet, into this fast-paced, editorial symphony meticulously choreographed to Willy Wonka’s “Pure Imagination”. The challenge (and the joy) was coming up with inventive transitions that would surprise and delight the audience on this sumptuous, magical journey.

Adobe MAX 2019
Creativity Conference
Opening Keynote
This film played before CEO Shantanu Narayen’s keynote address, went on to play in movie theaters, and was eventually chosen to air just before the announcement of Best Picture at the Oscars.
“If you can connect the dots between what you see today and where you want to go, then the goal is probably not ambitious or aspirational enough.”
— Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen

Paal Rui
Billy Kostka
Andrew Gura
Marianne Karaan
Jake Armstrong
Jasmine Ung
Jasper Hilgers
Junyi Xiao
Kyle Griggs
Sam Kim
Stephen Loveluck
Taylor Griggs
Zach Eastburg
Animation Lead
Esteban Esquivo
Peter Kallstrom
Animation Director
Daniel Coutinho
Ben Nichols
Camily Tsai
Chelsea Lee
Dae-Han Yi
Daniel Hyo Kim
Debora Cruchon
Esther Moon
Eve Hodgkinson
Insoo Kim
Jigyu Yoon
Jong Lee
Kenneth Robin
Kevin Kim
Lauren Gaballo
Lina Yu
Mike Payne
Mike Tello
Shannon Rollins
Zoe Schneider
Ayla Mortada
Hyung Soon Joo
Silvia Bassoli
Art Director
Kyle Strope
Associate Creative Director
Richard Gray
Sunny Sattari
Ryan Mack
Creative Director
Jenny Ko
Georgia Tribuiani
Executive Producer
Luisa Murray
Executive Creative Director
Ryan Honey