Slapstick In-House App
2018 — 2019
A passion project that became an entire app, built in-house from the ground up and touched by every type of talent BUCK has to offer. Slapstick is an ongoing project that continues to stick it to reality.

What do you get when you mix AR with some 2-D animation eye candy? BUCK’s first mobile app, lovingly called Slapstick. It’s an AR camera app that lets you add animated stickers to surfaces before or after capture.

Acid, Celebration, Kinky, Spook...our range of sticker packs is as wide as it is weird—and it just keeps growing. Bring some BUCK weirdness into your world.

And then there was 3.0 ↓
Breaking (virtual) boundaries.
Slapstick’s our playground for pushing the envelope and bending reality. It’s a never-ending labor of love and ludicrousness. With the release of Slapstick 3.0, we're pioneering the first mobile post-capture AR editing experience out there. Who knows what’s next?
Executive Creative Director
Ryan Honey
Managing Director/Product Manager
Jeff Ellermeyer
Managing Executive Producer
Maurie Enochson
Executive Producer
Emily Rickard
Creative Director
Kevin Walker
Nick Carmen
Associate Producer
Alexi Yeldezian
David Guti Rosado
Line Producer
Justin Harris
Production Coordinator
Jenny Morris
Solana Braun
Marketing & Communications
Marla Moore
Global Head of CG & Tech
Doug Wilkinson
Lead Creative Technologist
Michael Delaney
Lead Developer
Shin Kang
Manny Berk
Art Director
Chris Markland
Design LA
Audrey Yeo
Ben Nichols
Brian Won
Caleb Boyles
Debora Cruchon
Devin Mathews
Diffan Norman
Esther Moon
Fabian Molina
Janice Ahn
Jerry Suh
Jiaqi Wang
Joe Mullen
Kendra Ryan
Lauren Gaballo
Mark Kulakoff
Marla Moore
Shannon Rollins
Tony Legato
Tuo Kan
Design NY
Amelia Chen
Ben Langsfeld
Daniel Oeffinger
Gilles Desmadrille
Jon Gorman
Olivia Blanc
Ross McCampbell
Tucker Klein
William Trebutien
Yeojin Shin
Design SYD
Gareth O'Brien
Luke Brooking
Animation Director
Daniel Coutinho
Animation LA
Alessandro Ceglia
Alexander Bernas
Brianne Gagg
Brooke Shay
Daniel Coutinho
Daniel Rodrigues
Esteban Esquivo
Jaime Mora
Jiaqi Wang
José Peña
Juan Ricardo Hernandez
Junyi Xiao
Kendra Ryan
Matt Deans
Matt Everton
Patrick Knip
Peter Kallstrom
Rafael Araujo
Ren Chen
Taylor Griggs
Tyler Lancaster
Animation NY
Olivia Blanc
Tucker Klein
William Trebutien
Adam Singer
Music & Sound Design
Malfred Sound