Shopify Summit 2022
We partnered up with Shopify for the second year in a row to bring their 2022 summit to life. A tasty set of 25 beautifully illustrated, loopable cinemagraphs took center stage — but this time Otzi was put on ice. Again.
Nonna’s Ancient Specialty
The visuals for this year’s summit supported a story about “Nonna”, an Italian grandmother who uses Shopify to give her rural olive oil company global prestige. To capture the essence of Nonna and Shopify’s story, the visual elements were rooted in the fluidity and colors of olive oil. These central elements were backed by luscious representations of Italian landscapes filled with soft gradients and plumy shapes.

Flirting with Abstraction
We found a happy medium between abstraction and representation, sculpting forms and visual symbolism in a unique process that we really enjoyed.

Cinematic Details
The summit was primarily focused on the documentary film, so we borrowed similar filmic traits to develop an aesthetic that departed from the style of the 2021 summit. By utilizing depth of field and set-like lighting, we were able to illuminate key elements of each scene.

Soft & Smooth Motion
Traditionally, we generate completed sequences of animation based off of a locked script or piece of music. But for Shopify we were working from a series of key images and story beats as the main ingredients for the animated cinemagraphs. Giving the illustrations a subtle stroke of motion meant the client had animated footage to work into their edit.
This project was a testament to BUCK’s global capabilities. We put together a superstar roster of international illustrators from Brazil, Germany, and the US. Each brought their own sensibility, but collectively they produced a singular, consistent aesthetic that bound all of the pieces together beautifully.
All of the art materialized because of a great collaborative back and forth with Shopify. For the second year in a row, the client embraced our vision early on and trusted our approach. If Shopify comes knocking again next year, we’ll be there with bells on.
Executive Creative Director
Kevin Walker
Creative Director
Robert Bisi
Associate Creative Director
Amelia Giller
Nicolas Gloazzo
Executive Producers
Justin Harris
Nick Carmen
Drew Neujahr
Production Coordinator
Kyjahana Izizarry
Art Director
Mindy Park
Danilo Rodrigues
Yukyung Lee
Aran Quinn
Cadu Blanco
Dan Muangprasert
Daniel Amdemichael
Gunnar Pettersson
Sandro Rybak
Sophi Gullbrants
Animation Lead
Taylor Griggs
Adrian Moran
Drew Wiebe
Jardeson Rocha
Juan Ricardo Hernandez
Kyle Griggs
Lauren Tom
Lumi Chang
Morgan Allison
Patrick Knip
Scott Jonsson
Zackary Miller