Roman Wellness
Roman Men’s Healthcare approached us to help them create a spot promoting their new, exclusive partnership with Walmart — their first time being sold in a retail store. We were excited to be chosen for another first — the brand’s first foray into character-based storytelling.

Our doods.
For this 30 second spot (and assorted other deliverables) we created three 3D characters: Wyatt, Kevin, and James. We strived to imbue each of them with unique charm and personality since they all share the same body and features and instead are defined by their hair, wardrobe, accessories, and lifestyles:
Wyatt (the pool lounger)
Kevin (the car enthusiast)
James (our WFH superstar)

In the Pharma world, it’s not everyday you work with an A+ client. Between wrangling their legal team and giving us the creative freedom to thrive, Roman was a dream client.
Creative Director
Yker Moreno
CG Lead / Supervisor
Arvid Volz
Arvid Volz
Filipe Machado
Rigging Supervisor
Ernesto Ruiz Velasco
Jing Huang
Look Development
Arvid Volz
Shane O'Hara
Lighting & Composite
Shane O'Hara
Arvid Volz
3D Animation
Arvid Volz
Joerg Volk
Alexandra Francis
Daniel Amdemichael
Max Vogel
Remi Sorbet
Ben Rohel
Tracey McDonough
Roman Internal
Art Director
Ethan Streicher
Justine Berger
Content Director
Rocky Rakovic
Creative Director
Jonathan Campo