It’s hard for younguns to understand how different life was in the United States before she came along. When Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away in the fall of 2020, we created a microsite from the ground up to celebrate her life and trumpet her amazing accomplishments.

The Impact of an Icon
Before Ruth Bader Ginsburg, men and women had very different rights in the good ol’ USA. So did gay people. And people of color. RBG was a lifelong champion of equality and pushed America to live up to its ideals for a more equal society. BUCK artists illustrated a series of commemorative portraits highlighting her impact on our country and its history.

A Living Legacy
RBG’s impact lives on, and this side-scrolling story with actionable links empower anyone to not only learn more about her legacy but to get in the fight for a more perfect union.
Group Creative Director
Ben Langsfeld
Joe Mullen
Brand Strategy Director
Marla Moore
Brand Strategist
Surabhi Rathi
Emily Rickard
Erin Lockard
Mackenzie Alexander
Director of Creative Technology
Michael Delaney
Dave Evans
Colin Graham
Creative Technologist
Tayler Johnson
Amelia Giller
Angelica Fernandez
Ben Nichols
German Di Ciccio
Jacob Myrick
Jesse Harp
Kuu Chen
Lauren Gaballo
Leonardo Santamaria
Nicole Pappas
Peter McDonald
Shannon Rollins
Social Media
Ayla Mortada
Thea Glad