McDonald's Loyalty Rewards
We partnered with our friends at Wieden+Kennedy and Mayor McCheese to build a one-of-a-kind design and animation system for the rollout of McDonald's new Loyalty Rewards program.

To be able to accommodate the many needs of a national campaign, the system needed to be canvas-agnostic.
We created 29 unique menu item illustrations and animations, customizable frames and pedestals, plus a custom dimensionalized variant to McDonald's house font, Speedee.

Big bucks, no whammies!
It was important for the campaign that these menu items all felt ‘elevated’ — heroic even. No mere hamburger or fries would do for these are rewards.
We decided to have our design language harken back to the glory days of classic game shows. Nothing too retro or explicit, but that era's approach to presentation felt right. Pedestals, framing devices, a little glitz and glam. A little “What’s behind curtain number 2?”

Surprise & McDelight
One of the best parts was exploring the myriad of unexpected ways we could reveal or transform the menu items: treasure chests, graphic sunrises, ice cream disco parties. Each animation needed to be a little stylish reward of its own — a surprise and delight — a prize in your very own happy meal.

Executive Creative Director
Orion Tait
Group Creative Director
Daniel Oeffinger
Executive Producer
Joe Nash
Creative Director
Sean McClintock
Andre Araujo
Tracey McDonough
Ege Soyuer
Ayla Mortada
Heewon Kim
Jaedoo Lee
Justin Cassano
Kuu Chen
Loris Alessandria
Max Vogel
Milena Bucholz
Yukyung Lee
2D Animation
Dan Cantelm
Diego Abad
Gilles Desmadrille
Johan Eriksson
Jordan Scott
Kyle Snider
Paola Chen Li
Po-Chen Chia
Sean Merk
Vero Gómez
Editorial Support
Paal Rui
Robert Bailey