Grey Poupon
Through a series of French propaganda and revolution-inspired posters, we delivered a fine soupçon of illustrative social media delights for the spreaders of good taste, Grey Poupon. Warning: scroll no further on an empty stomach.

Pardon me, would you have any Grey Poupon?
The ritual of putting food on the table and the joy of eating is worth celebrating. It’s these moments that guided us as we created these six individualized animated/cinemagraph bites.
We chose simple, appetizing-looking food and used an illustration style with plenty of detail so we could bring out the textures and make them feel unique and ownable to the brand.

Vive la révolution… sort of.
Some of the greatest poster art comes in the form of subversive propaganda aimed at inciting revolutions. With Grey Poupon’s brand rooted in French culture, the initial command was to take inspiration from French Revolutionary imagery. The catch? It can’t look like a revolution. It was time to put our thinking berets on.

Spread it like a champ.
This was Grey Poupon’s first foray into the world of illustration so we wanted to make sure the product was front and center. Around the mustard-y goodness, we created a spread fit for kings and queens. While nodding at the composition of the propaganda style, we steered clear of anything overtly guillotine-y, instead leaning on shadows, light, textures, and exaggerated angles as our core principles.

Ogling roast chicken and stuffed baguettes all day confirmed some things: A) we’ve been doing at-home lunches wrong throughout the whole pandemic; and B) illustrated and animated food doesn’t have to be photoreal. We can recreate delicious gourmet goods in a stylized manner and still make it look great. Bon appétit, mes amies!

Group Creative Director
Thomas Schmid
Creative Director
Kyle Strope
Yker Moreno
Tracey McDonough
Arron Ingold
Dae-Han Yi
Diego Abad
German Di Ciccio
Jaedoo Lee
Jong Lee
Kuu Chen
Pierre-Nicolas Riou
Shannon Rollins
Simone Noronha
Stan Chan
Diego Abad
Gilles Desmadrille
Gonzalo Menevichian