Emirates Department Of Family Travel
2018 — 2019
It can be a looong flight when travelling with, or in front, behind, next to, across the aisle or on the same plane as a kid. Thankfully, this is a wee bit less painful on Emirates. We enjoyed mixing mediums with our friends at Leo Burnett Sydney, creating a series of spots as well as print and digital assets that highlight some of these pain points.
Emirates typically focuses their advertising on the fancy pants at the front of the plane. This campaign, however, targets families so it has to appeal to the more thrifty travellers. A handmade, less-polished design language seemed right, so we employed two techniques that embrace imperfection — stop motion and frame-by-frame animation — where the human touch is apparent.

“Let’s craft the bodies out of wood and then draw the limbs and facial features in cel”. Good idea? Bad idea? To test this brainwave we used team 3-D to mock up what this might look like. Using this we were able to iterate and develop a style that we were digging.

Then we spent 100 x longer building the characters and sets with an equal measure of craft and love. :)

With paint under our nails and saw dust in our ears we dialed in the lighting and brought the characters to life.