Apple Power to the Pro
2018 — 2019
Apple approached BUCK to create an art film with the theme of ‘power’ to promote their super-powerful, new iMac Pro. We met the challenge with a simple direction that went out to our entire corps of artists and designers: go BUCK wild. The result is this stunning ‘eyegasm’--a thrilling showcase for our in-house talent.

The concept was to create a piece about the creative process itself. From the initial spark and birth of an idea in its abstract form to the iterative design process, and through an artistic metamorphosis as it transforms and transmutes into its final form — this is about how an idea goes from conception to realization.
Each scene reflects a different artist’s style here at BUCK. We blast through over 250 frames in the final sequence and each one works as a fully developed style frame.
Oh, and we did the whole job on the iMac Pros themselves to prove they were the real deal. How’s that for meta?

We don’t like to toot our own horn but...
Power to the Pro garnered a Clio and Gold and Silver Tellys among others awards and accommodations. Just between us fam, the wider the creative brief the more frequently this tends to happen.

Coming soon!