Original Animation

BUCK creates original animation across a wide range of styles, genres, and formats to tell stories that connect with audiences of all kinds in weird and wonderful ways.

Drawing on BUCK's global team of creative talent, we conceive, develop, and produce animated shorts, series, and film.

Want to learn more? Drop us a line at development@buck.co.


Project Highlights

Netflix / Love, Death & Robots "Night of the Mini Dead"
A miniature zombie apocalypse full of big laughs. More ->
Netflix / We the People
Remixing civics for a new generation with Chris Nee and the Obamas. More ->
Cartoon Network / The Beepers & Wideload Vacay
Helping HBOMax launch their Cartoonito block of preschool programming. More →


120 S San Pedro St, 4th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90012
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33 35th St., Suite A600
Brooklyn, NY 11232
USA ()


L6, 52 Reservoir Street
Surry Hills, NSW, 2010
Australia ()


Achtergracht 14
1017 WP Amsterdam
The Netherlands ()


37-39 Kingsway
London WC2B 6TP
United Kingdom ()

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